I am a simple person and the best holidays for me were and will be forever go to the beach with my friends, because I love them and when I am with them, I enjoy every moments that we have together. They are very fool, nice and amazing.

We usually go to Pichilemu and we stay at my best friend's house that is ubicated in Playa Hermosa, a place of Pichilemu. The last time I went there was this summer, in February and we stayed there about for one week, but anyways we still go there every year at the same date.

When we go there, we obviously go to the beach and we swim in the cold and crazy water of the sea. We also go to a forest that is near the house at we stay and if you walk into the forest you could find a shortcut that leads you to Punta de Lobos. On the way, there is a place that sells waffles and every time that we go to Pichilemu, we eat there.

This are my best holidays because it has everything that makes me happy and because the beach is my favorite place. Also we hang out with other friends that are in the beach every single night at the Semana Pichilemina!


  1. I also love Pichilemu, especially walking along the seashore at night when the moon is bright, it is very beautiful and the water at Punta de lobos is great!

  2. The place looks really beautiful! And it's so nice and cool that you can do that every year with your friends.


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